Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hummm.. just searching the blog and realised that I didn't note the day I received my SAG card through the post (translation into yank: mail) so I'm going to note it here. I suppose it was about 2 months ago and it marked the next stage of the road to earning a living wage as a pro thesp in LALA land (Los Angeles to you non-locals).
How did I get it, well I ended up qualifying two ways at the same time... 4 SAG extra vouchers (only needed 3) and three principal SAG jobs (1 commercial and 2 industrials).

Some months are good, some not so but one thing I know for sure, there's no feeling on Earth to match walking into an acting job in LA, knowing you're going to step in front of a camera or onto a stage and someone is going to pay you for it. Nothing better. Seriously. Worth fighting for and working your arse off for too. If you're just here to "try it out", please piss off back home - you're taking up space and using up air.
'Nuff said.


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