Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Monday was a holiday in the USA, something called 'Labor Day', without the 'u' of course, this being the country of 'American' English, well actually, this being the country of 'Mexican Spanish' but I have no desire to get into that one at present... yes, Labor Day, celebrating... erm... well, it's just an excuse to have a Monday off work really, I suppose which is as good a reason as any. Actually for a full run down of what it's all about you can check out the entry at Wikipedia (honestly, you need to get out more). We had two of our best friends over for a BBQ / cook out/ grill / external cooking device (whatever you want to call it) and we had a rather splendid time of it, munchkin had a super dooper time being generally silly and us grown ups just talked away. They're moving back to NYC very soon =( so we're trying to grab another day with them before they go. Hey ho...


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