Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday. Fleshing out more ideas for the business. Chatted to Jeff about a house - places, costs, pitfalls, scams etc. I want to be at least on the way to being out of West Hollywood by Christmas. It's insanely expensive and it's smack bang in 'busy loud land'. If I hear one more car alarm, screaming drunk person or rabid dog barking, I will do something bad to someone!! Oh, and my neighbours have moved from annoying bitches from hell to really nasty ugly annoying bitches from hell. Called J to wish him luck for his show. He was painting the set with an hour and a half to go before kick-off. Nothing changes back home! Checked out some houses and studio rentals online. Worked through music for my audition book. Reviewed G's script for CEW.
Revver have signed a partnership with CAA - I sincerely hope that Revver aren't going to become just a shop window for CAA talent. Revver seriously need to keep hold of their vision and promote talent other than that on CAA's books. Maybe CAA will use it as a scouting tool. Who knows.
Checked out SAG contracts for the short film I'm going to do with Y.


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