Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Well, the littl'un decided to appear at our bedside at 2am this morning (yes, he can climb out of his crib now - he's expert at it, actually) to enquire as to why we were sleeping and not playing. Back to his bedroom we went and we sat in the dark for an hour before he finally gave up and went back to sleep... for half and hour. Back he came and back we went. I gave up and let M take over. We basically fought with him for a couple of hours before he went back to sleep for real, until 8.30am. "Daddy, wake up".
So, I was up and we had breakfast together.
He's getting stickers on a little chart for going potty which seems to be keeping him focused on the task in hand. The poop dance before he actually goes is very entertaining and takes the form of him refusing to sit on the lav but Daddy letting him run around with no clothes on until he gives up and goes!
We went out in the early afternoon off to Burbank for lunch (he had a rather wonderfully dump in McD's - very pleasant - that was his only 'accident' of the day though, I was very proud of him!) and then to the Zoo. The Zoo was very cool. We took some photos... very Christmassy.
Shopping & back home.
Oh, by the way, finding a lav every 20 minutes for a toddler in the 'potty training' phase is a major life challenge. Ultimately very rewarding though! I recommend it.
Mummy was very happy to have been left alone without her boys for 6 hours too.
Win-win all around...


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