Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Spoon River class today - telling jokes!! After weeks and weeks of trauma, heartache and generally gut-wrenching emotion living out stories from the LAPD and NAM, we had two hours of making each other laugh. It was great but it did have a point. Jokes are ministories with a beginning, middle and end. They have details and a point. The delivery is mostly unrehearsed and spontaneous. It's basically the best lead in we can have to the first class we'll actually be telling Spoon River stories next week.
Home with the monkey and popped back out again to see my new agent. Filled out some paperwork and chatted through my various skills and preferences as far as tobacco, alcohol and unethical or unecological products. Basically I'll advertise anything but it doesn't mean I support it or will purchase it in real life. I'm not rich enough yet to turn down work but when that time comes, I'll be refusing to advertise Marlboro and Hummer like the best of 'em. 'Til then, those ads may be the ones to ensure that I make the rent in a particular month. "Oh, you have no morals, you've sold out" I hear you scream. I have plenty of morals, people, but, as I said, I can't afford to prioritise them over rent and food money. So get off your soapbox, come to LA and you make a living as an actor whilst upholding your high moral values, buddy! See how long you manage to eat for!
Anyhoo, home from the agent, grabbed some clothes and off to my audition for Dom's pizza. Playing an uptight British maitre d. Had a little skit to do and had some fun. Was told by the asst CD that I'd made strong choices and done an excellent job. He was nice and he probably says that to everyone. Hey ho. Let's wait for the callback...
Picked up the missus and the munchkin from a friend and then went to have some dins (out and about - oooooh, nice!). The littl'un had a meltdown so came home and put him to bed pretty sharpish. He was a tired little treasure!
Surfed the tv channels for a minute or two and caught the first episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Oh my goodness, what a cheap pile of crap. Yes it's on FX but even so, I can't believe the writing was so lame. The part I saw was some guy pretending to be a war vet in a wheelchair chatting to two of his mates and then going to a club to try and get some girls. First of all, the line delivery was just that, a very obvious delivery of lines and secondly, how bad can comedy writing be? Hey, I might be an old geezer and out of touch but I know what's funny. This wasn't funny. Maybe I happened to see the weakest five minutes in the show, I don't know. If this is the first one in the series, it either has to push the ante up 'mulcho' or be cancelled before the end of the season. My money's on the latter.


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