Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sunday. 8 hour rehearsal day for S&D in imaginary Places (ActII - Act I was done a few years ago). Got a lift in from Max, one of the dancers who's a incredibly nice guy.
It's being put together by Ordinarily, I would run a mile from 'experimental' or 'physical' theatre because I've seen so much of it so badly done. This, however, is a very interesting collection of very disparate stuff (around 10 songs by 20 composers!) but put together in a very cohesive way. It just sort of works! My friend (and the Musical Director of the whole thing), David, asked me to come along and perform. Otherwise, I'm sure I would never have known it was going on.
Felt a little under-rehearsed (this is my third rehearsal) but it was great to be a part of the energy. I think it must be about two dozen performers including singers, dancers and musicians.
The pieces range from duets, trios and incredibly difficult and rhythmically nightmarish ensembles pieces. One of the numbers has a huge metal contraption called the 'War Machine' which 'eats' people (I told you this was experimental theatre, didn't I) and is pushed into the space by the performers.
The day was long and hot but ultimately very constructive. The producer was concerned that everything hadn't been rehearsed as much as it should but my thought is that as it's a 'workshop', the pieces aren't meant to be 100%, just in a form which is performable so the pieces can be seen and experienced - isn't that the idea of a workshop?


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