Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wednesday... worked on the short script with Y. Shaping up and looking good. We're gonna beef up the initial disasters facing the protagonist and re-write a little dialogue which will change anyway once we get hold of it in rehearsal and during the shoot! The other biggie is that Y is 7 months preggers and she will be appearing preggers in the movie although we took the decision to delay 'til after she drops because to try and attempt the project in the seriously short time before the big day is nothing short of insanity. So, it'll be a preggie suit BUT we will have a well written (and rewritten) script that we're both happy with. We'll have time to do all the SAG paperwork, get the crew we want and assemble a schedule that everyone can work to. Intense and complete planning is key to something like this (in fact, anything in life). Ignore that fact at your peril, people! It will also give us a shedload of time to consider all the shots and work out he no budget method in achieving them!
Chatted to G about an incredibly exciting prospect of 12 (yes, 12) features that a friend of his is planning starting next year. Apparently, he's going to use pretty much the same cast for each film and he has me slated as the big bad villian in the first flick! G sent me the script and it's pretty damn good. Everything's rated G so no naughty words or nasty gore but, hey, I have no problem with shooting stuff my littl'un can watch without any problems! There's plenty of time for all the PG, NC17 & R (PG13, 15 & 18 for my friends back home) stuff no doubt heading down the tube later in my career!


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