Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Oh boy, he's getting better! 'No' and 'I WANT'. Looks like him getting better has collided headlong into the terrible twos. Great!
Hosting audition this morning for a pharmaceutical product called Pantisomethingsomething (It's OK, I knew what it was at the audition).
Read the piece twice on camera. Aced it both times. Friendly, concise etc etc. If I don't get it, well I know that it was the best I could do and they're looking for another 'look'. No worries.
Class was a blast. With T. Worked with Cris & Miche (door) and then did my scene with Rich (activity). T said great for the first one and that I worked off both girls without taking anything for granted. And he said that the scene would be ready for next Monday. Cool! Rich was happy too! Great.
Talked over my script with Y & R at a new Cuban place on Magnolia. Nice.
The guys said that there were a lot of unknowns as well a few holes in the script which I had to agree with.
Headed home. Littl'un was feeling even better.
Watched 'In the Clouds' with Charlize. Excellent and not what I expected at all.


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