Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Class day. Worked with Miche and was pretty much "on track". Need to be more specific maybe. Nothing too special though. Had a first read of Check-In with Brett at the end of class. Joey was clearing up and Ricardo came in after we'd just started. At the end, Brett was happy, I was happy, Joey said that it held him all the way through (yessss!) and Ricardo seemed to like it so much he was willing to blow a wedding he's supposed to be going to on shot day so he could come along! So, all good then.
I went off to see the warehouse we're shooting in. It belongs to another nocturnal mate of mine, Blz, who used me in one of his films last year. It was a humdinger, that's for sure. VERY experimental so I knew Gary would get on with him. Gary, Bob and Robert were all pretty impressed at the space. I was really cooking ideas with all of the options the space seemed to give us. We moved around, shot several angles and I explained to Bob what I wanted on the day. He knew his stuff. Unfortunately, everything I wanted, looks, angles and suchlike was going to require prepping a large part of the space. Painting 20' walls (with primer and a few coats) or a huge part of the floor so I was beginning to see the work and the expense pile up. I had to start thinking as a low-budget filmmaker as opposed to an actor/director with immovable images in my mind which 'had' to be shot 'so no comprimises'. Also, no running water in the place which worried me a little. So, we ummed and ahhhed and say bye bye to Blz (who was as cool as ever) and left. This place really isn't in a nice part of town, by the way. In fact, it's pretty scary in the daylight, forget about after dark.
Gary called later on and told me that they'd all chatted in the car going home and thought that there were too many variables, any one of which would screw up the shoot. I had to agree as I knew noise was a major possibility, the excessive prep and the area were all HUGE red flags. I think we're going to shoot in my studio now which is a space I can control and we can take as long as we like to get what I need. The kettle and lav are nearby so it's a much better location in my book although the pics show how cool the warehouse would have been. Never mind...


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