Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday - Father's Day although that didn't change the fact that I still got out of bed when munchkin got up while my missus snoozed on (bless 'er, she deserves it). But, that did allow father and son to watch the tivo'ed British Grand Prix (excellent) without female intrusion. Spent most of the rest of the day reading (as always) but did have to deal with the three year old's tantrums which, I have to say, are getting worse by the day. Escaped to the bedroom for a little while and called the UK to chat with J, P, M & R. Monkey (and Mummy) bought me a large bag of chocolates (rather nice) as compensation for a 'not very lazy' Father's day. Hey ho, you can't ask kids to take the day off, can you!


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