Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Up early and went to a superb seminar called "Screenplay in a Day" which was presented by former PHW students who have done some serious work in the writing field over the last few years. Credits include a TON of network TV and some very famous feature films. The cool thing was that they are about to take their presentation on the road and so they laid on a cut-down and condensed one-day version just for PHW students for next-to-nothing dosh. Incredibly concise and useful material along with examples on DVD. They covered pretty much every thing from idea through structure, characters, re-write, pitching, marketing and everything inbetween. Superb.
Why did I take a writing course? Well, the chances of me nailing down a top slot in a big budget movie are probably not high just at the moment so I am going to have to come up with a bunch of stuff I can work on myself - good stuff, not crap! Stuff that people will actually want to watch. This will serve to bring me more exposure and to keep me working in an industry that is growing more unwelcoming to the lowly actor every day. You can never have enough strings to your bow!
Left there and went to the WB lot where I joined a script reading for a script by a friend - not sure if I wrote about it a few months back but this was the script I 'Anglosised' to ensure the British characters spoke English and other details were authentic. The read went really well and, ultimately of course, I would hope to land the part I was reading. The writers are seeking some funding but one of them is incredibly well connected with various studios through his other 'string' in production.
Long day... no rest for the wicked


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