Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday was a family day. Monkey is having regular tantrums when he doesn't want to do something but M and I are managing to bring him down fro them fairly quickly through experimenting with a varying degree of importance to his young mind... things such as no cookies, going to throw your toys in the trash/rubbish, diversions... all sorts of things. He's still a good kid, though! He's just being a kid. We understand!
Lots of reading today... script for Ma, moments for my scene, SR No.7, script for the secret web project (filming some more tomorrow).
Had a 35 minute chat with my manager about various things, mostly about changing my appearance, riding into pilot season, how rare work is in Hollyweird at the moment... that kind of thing. Result is that I'm even more convinced that she's the right manager for me! I just know that the work is going to come in thick and fast... eventually!


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