Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday and another week kicks off in merry old L.A.
Class turned out to be a discsussion about the FF and what we all got out of it. For me, the Q&As with all of the filmmakers along with the Jeff Goldblum session made it a superb day. Incredible insights on technique and establishing an effective work ethic as well as advice on filmmaking and marketing. One interesting fact... did you know that Metro (the L.A. bu and train people) have a movie department? That same department will hire you a real Metro bus (whiite and orange) and a driver for just over $600 for eight hours. I've always wondered where films got their buses from. Now I know.
Had another audition with my new agent (that's three in three weeks plus a callback) for Fed Ex. Quite a funny skit where a shipping department clerk, obviously smarting from an incredibly busy list of old duties suddenyl has nothing to do when the firm switched their business to FX. Two colleague comment on the fact that this guy can't seem to accept that it's OK for him not to be busy... it loses a lot in translation... you had to be there I suppose.
Missus and monkey were on top form when I got home, littl'un having kicked up a fuss earlier and 'asking' to take a nap. Great, isn't it. Last year we fought him to have an afternoon nap, now he want to take them! Nap over and reated, he behaved himself for, oh, all of ten minutes before having a melt down about something else...

Oh.. news flash... MY WIFE HAS NOW DISCOVERED MY BLOG SO I WILL NOW HAVE TO SAY NICE THINGS ABOUT HER... actually, except for a few rants (as one would have been married for a number of years), I think I write nice things about her. Hello darling. Welcome to my blog! I hereby promise not to write about anything which may upset you... girlfriends, dates, romantic liasions, that kind of thing =) Today's piccy is just for you, my sweet.


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