Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Saturday - hit the Grove with the missus and the munchkin. Breezed through B&N (as ya do) but, of course, didn't buy anything (note down ISBN then order thru Amazon = 90% saving on B&N price, innit!). Back home, watched Philadelphia. Incredible. The bedside scene gets me every time!


Blogger Florence911 said...

too bad the B&N will disappear because no one wants to pay for the real shelves and orders online.

11:29 PM

Blogger James said...

yes, tis true that book stores face competition from the online environment but, in this great country of yours, we, the mighty consumers will go to the best price and service which is, I regret to say, Amazon, especially when you have my job and you're trying to save as much money as you can to spend on luxuries like food for the family, house payments, petrol... Oh, don't cry too many tears for B&N ~ they're doing OK, thanks.

9:20 PM


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