Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Friday, December 01, 2006

Saturday 25th Nov: Bday party at Travel Town and the hosts were 20 mins late! Cool - turn up late for your own kid's birthday party! The parents are so nice though and all of us knew that they would be late so no big deal! Nice party too.
Sunday: stuff
Monday: Class - worked with R. Went OK but, again, another complex relationship with a ton of backstory which would need to be fleshed out. Then off to an audtion for MM - replacements for BWay, Vegas and the National Tour. Saw A who was in the LA show I got my Equity card in and also saw M who was assisting on the SaL auditions (all 4 of them!). He said something really nice to me, "How are you not in the show"? - He told me that he couldn't understand what the prod team were looking for and couldn't understand how I didn't have the role I'd gone for. Ah shucks...
Anyway, the MM audition was prob the worst I had ever done. Not blaming anyone but myself but I do want to note here that despite the monitor's assurances that the accompanist was one of the best in the business, he certainly didn't listen to anything I was doing. Yes, he played all the notes on the page but that isn't what accompanying is about - you meant to 'accompany' the singer, not demonstrate that you know how to play the piano, that's a given isn't it? Well, after the first song which was a total carve up but one which I struggled on through regardless, the second song went OK. The CD (EW) and M the assistant were really really nice, BTW. As you can tell though, I didn't leave with a spring in my step! I chalked it up to experience (blimey - I don't need any more experience, honestly) and headed home.
Tuesday: Up early and off to set for RH3 in Pasadena. 7am call, into scrubs and onto set. Hospital scene with CT, JC and the other chap who plays the police captain. Everyone was very nice including the A list celebs and the crew were incredibly professional, esp the 1st. Huge crew as you'd expect from $150M picture! BR, the director seemed to leap about like an enthusiastic puppy, happy and friendly most of the time but with a little nip on occasions. Arf! JC has a HUGE entourage who are on set with him at all times and everywhere you looked, there was a friendly face smiling back.
Wed: RH3 again. Another good day but after two days they had only made it through 3 pages of dialogue and burnt enough film to sink a battleship. I feel sorry for the editor who will have to wade thru the 54 different takes that were shot from at least a dozen angles. Selective? Naw, not on this budget. Good take, bad take, muffed line, set fubar? Not to worry - they print every take! One of the background was upgraded - yeah! End credit and DVD residuals - cool! There was another background who decided that he would make himself a 2nd and tell me where to stand, where to move and what to do. I reasoned with him but he had the gall to tell me that he was just being professional and I didn't understand how things worked in the US of A. Acid little queen. I sincerely hope that he isn't rebooked next week for the other days were working. In fact... I call my mate who's casting and have them ditch the dickhead. Is it bad karma? Should I turn the other cheek? Probably, but it feels good.


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