Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ditched LA and headed for the coun-ry-zide and Underwoods family farm.
Yes, I know, family stuff is dull to read about but WTH are you doing here otherwise? Bugger off if you're bored. And you're checking out blogs on the 'net because...
So, 45 miles, past Thousand Oaks (that's a long way) and into the country. Met a guy from Walton-On-Thames who's working out here now, dressed up like a jolly farmer, dungarees, straw hat, the lot! He seemed VERY happy to have swapped the UK for the US (aren't we all). Anyway, it was hot and no, we didn't slap on the sunblock (silly us). First off, we headed out to the PUO strawberries on a trailer behind a tractor. Very cool for the kids, of course. The strawbs were few and far between, another week and they would have been everywhere. Well, we filled a punnet having used our hawkeyes to zero in on them. Back to base and off to the petting zoo and activity playground (I told you this was gripping stuff, didn't I). Littl'un spent most of his time trying to extract animal feed from the little vending machines next to each enclosure (very smart idea, at 25c a pop!) without paying for it, with some success I may add. He had lots of fun in the playground and took an almighty tumble down a dirt hill. Boys will be boys. One cool thing they had done was to built an aerial walkway for the goats to wander along into another enclosure, complete with a truck and a small house half way along. Sunburnt but happy, we headed home. No callback from yesterday. I'll carry on scanning the breakdowns for jobs...
Feeling a little stressed about the shoot on Saturday although I stayed away from the script today - I need to 'forget' it a bit. Started reading 'NAM' by Mark Baker. It's one of our set books for class. It's pretty scary stuff.


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