Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hit the Zoo today for Easter Bunny stuff. It was packed with people!! I felt like we were on show to the chimps, not the other way around. What they must think when they see us packed in front of a gurad rail, taking pics and pointing at them, I will, of course, never know. Based on the assumed average IQ of the cross section of those folks standing in front of the chimp house, the primates seemed to be the more intelligent of the two species. We also went through the Reptile House which, funnily enough, we have never seen before. I suppose it has always been there... I don;t mean from the dawn of time, I mean always as in since the Zoo was buit. Anyway, there are some very interesting critters in there and some downright dangerous ones too! A fair sprinkling of rattlesnacks, lizards and other cold blooded fellas, I'm glad that my first brush with them was with a fairly thick piece of glass between us.
Hit the library and picked up the other couple of books I needed for class. Also "How to turn $5000 into a million" book (which has been out since the year dot and retails for a shedload on amazon so I thought I check it out) and 'It would be nice if you weren't here'. Renewed a stack of plays as well. I have some heavy reading to do. Add to that cramming for the shoot of my script next Saturday, British-ising Marie's script and reviewing the Hooters scene for Monday and I have a lot to read in teh next coupl'a days.
Watched 'The Weatherman' which I actually enjoyed. Great performances from everyone, especially Nicholas Cage and Sir Michael Caine. The two kids in the movie did a great job too.
M finally read my script while I walked the dog and she said it was 'Interesting'. She also said how was I going to play a 25 year old drummer from Indiana. Was I going to do my fake American accent and could I get away with playing mid 20s. I then told her that I was playing the OTHER part (there's only two people in it)! I told her to wait and see it on the screen!
M made up munchkin's Easter basket and I put a little something together for her too. Ahhhh, yes, I'm like that.
Here's a fun Springtime Bunny story...
which has been verfied here...


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