Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Birthday party in the park for littl'un - remember, when you have kids, their schedule is your schedule (!). Cup cakes and pizza and Hanson soda (which is full of High Fructose Corn Syrup, by the way).
Watched RENT on DVD. Enjoyed it more this time around (saw it when it was released at the cinema). The score is fantastic and everything from the show is in there but I still believe it would have been very different if Jonathan Larson had still been alive. I definitely felt that the director had left everything 'in there' either as a tribute to the composer or because the family had stipulated that everything had to be left in there! Either way, there were a few moments which could have been more 'cinematic' rather than just presenting a filmed version of the stage show. Mr Larson may well have composed some additional music or even allowed some moments to be taken out. Anyway, we'll never know and the film still stands alone as a great piece of art.
Quote from what I'm watching at the moment..."you stupid ignorant son of a bitch bastard" (Gene Wilder, Silver Streak). Nice! Night night zzzzzzz


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