Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thursday - classwork with B. He came to my door and we ended up shouting at each other, a lot, which sometimes happens. All worked out quite well though!
The rest of the day is a blur so onto
Friday - littl'un off to school and I went to visit my friends in the casting office. Now, let's get something straight here - I was not going to say anything about pissy queen but I was asked several times how everything was on set and, in the end, I had to spill the beans. Suffice it to say that he won't be getting booked again on this job. Bad energy and pissy comments directed at me = no work on any set anywhere near me. I love my friends in the office - they care about me. Isn't that nice.
Cookies, crafts and carol concert in the eve at the monkey's school - ahhh, it was nice to have the kids singing away while we collapsed into chairs letting it wash over us. Nice.
Saturday - hum... what did I do on Saturday...
Sunday - Tripped off down to visit some friends in Long Beach and was totally gobsmacked at the view they had from their condo window. Wow - right across the marina and the docks and out to sea. There's something very majestic about watching the cruise liners and the tankers milling about out there. The place reminded me of the South Bank in London with the 'wide-open' urban spaces along with the concrete tunnels and walkways. We had dinner at a creperie between two apartment blocks. Sounds horrid but it totally reminded me of Brighton. Urban eclectic and arty meets the sea. I like Long Beach...


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