Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thursday. Spoon River class and we had a discussion class where we sat and talked through the SRs we had found particularly challenging to work out. Very enlightening. We're upping the ante in class next week with full performances of the SRs as per a scene. Heard that one of the tutors had resigned from the school today which was a shame. Difference of opinion with the head honcho. Happens, I suppose.
Delivered another Halloween basket with the munchkin to BGP/DK casting. Chatted for ages with the crew in there.
At home later we planned out our photos and chatted to the munchkin ahead of his 'All about me' at school tomorrow. You know, favourite this, favourite that. Baked some healthy snacks to share with his classmates tomorrow!
Submitted for a feature and a tv show tonight.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Submitted for Final Approach - Miniseries
Filmed with T some car scenes
Saw a screening of The Prestige with a Q&A with Jonathan Nolan. Excellent movie.
Filmed with G,R & J stuff in the hills
Spoke to my manager about a submission and ended up having a chat about my theatrical agent and how little (i.e. never) they were sending me out. My manager suggested a submission to another agent which I'm going to follow up.! Hooray!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Monday. Class. My scene partner had to 'work' so I took an exercise with C, our class noobie! We figured out a fairly complex relationship and I took the activity. It went really well. Our relationship played on us without having to 'play' it and my activity was urgent and critical and I threw myself into it. T gave us a very good. C did a great job.
Went with munchkin and dropped a Halloween basket at my commercial agent. Nice to see them and they us, I think! Lots of smiles and my agent said the monkey should definitely go into the business. I told them I had already thought it would probably be the way he pays for college!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Saturday & Sunday. relaxed... shopped... read... played.

Friday... recovering from the work all-nighter