Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Thursday - Power's out. Monkey ran around trying all the light switches!
SR class with T. Doc Meyers. Really enjoyed it and T thought it was great. He gave me direction and I worked it three times, with adjustment the second and third times. Felt great and the rest of the class generally had a good time with theirs too! I think there was 6 or 7 of us today! Next week is the LAST week of SR, thank goodness. Onto nursery rhymes in the New Year. I have a feeling I will be working on them differently to the way I read them to the munchkin! Feeling was running high with one or two of the class about the ex-teacher who left to start up his own writing/acting class and (allegedly) tried to poach some of the students at PHW. Can't confirm that, though. I'm not going anywhere, that's for sure - I'm at the best school in LA!
Power's still out! Off to the Park!
Playdate at 4pm at home - power's still out! The kids came over and it got darker and darker!! So we headed out to the garden with a camping lantern, torches and candles! Fun fun fun. Hum... what to eat tonight. Pizza, of course. While I was up the road, the power came back (14 hours after going out!) - that authentic Blitz experience was over - never mind!

Wednesday... worked on the short script with Y. Shaping up and looking good. We're gonna beef up the initial disasters facing the protagonist and re-write a little dialogue which will change anyway once we get hold of it in rehearsal and during the shoot! The other biggie is that Y is 7 months preggers and she will be appearing preggers in the movie although we took the decision to delay 'til after she drops because to try and attempt the project in the seriously short time before the big day is nothing short of insanity. So, it'll be a preggie suit BUT we will have a well written (and rewritten) script that we're both happy with. We'll have time to do all the SAG paperwork, get the crew we want and assemble a schedule that everyone can work to. Intense and complete planning is key to something like this (in fact, anything in life). Ignore that fact at your peril, people! It will also give us a shedload of time to consider all the shots and work out he no budget method in achieving them!
Chatted to G about an incredibly exciting prospect of 12 (yes, 12) features that a friend of his is planning starting next year. Apparently, he's going to use pretty much the same cast for each film and he has me slated as the big bad villian in the first flick! G sent me the script and it's pretty damn good. Everything's rated G so no naughty words or nasty gore but, hey, I have no problem with shooting stuff my littl'un can watch without any problems! There's plenty of time for all the PG, NC17 & R (PG13, 15 & 18 for my friends back home) stuff no doubt heading down the tube later in my career!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do yourself a favour and rediscover Weird Al Yankovic.
It will seriously cheer you up... Guaranteed!!

Tuesday. Fleshing out more ideas for the business. Chatted to Jeff about a house - places, costs, pitfalls, scams etc. I want to be at least on the way to being out of West Hollywood by Christmas. It's insanely expensive and it's smack bang in 'busy loud land'. If I hear one more car alarm, screaming drunk person or rabid dog barking, I will do something bad to someone!! Oh, and my neighbours have moved from annoying bitches from hell to really nasty ugly annoying bitches from hell. Called J to wish him luck for his show. He was painting the set with an hour and a half to go before kick-off. Nothing changes back home! Checked out some houses and studio rentals online. Worked through music for my audition book. Reviewed G's script for CEW.
Revver have signed a partnership with CAA - I sincerely hope that Revver aren't going to become just a shop window for CAA talent. Revver seriously need to keep hold of their vision and promote talent other than that on CAA's books. Maybe CAA will use it as a scouting tool. Who knows.
Checked out SAG contracts for the short film I'm going to do with Y.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

...catch up on the week...
Sunday - Daisy's really ill. Spoke to my pet psychic friend. Daisy knew we had spoke to her when we got home - she came up to us when we got home to tell us "she's OK, just a little ill at the moment". She has gallbladder and liver probs along with arthritis. We'll see how much we can treat her with medication without her having any pain.
Monday - class with T. Went very well - he liked section 2 of the scene. He said it was a 'brutal' scene. We agreed! He told us that it's all there, just get a little closer to the writer's words. Perform again next Mon. 8664:4.50
Tuesday - Halloween with our friends in Pasadena. Really quiet neighbourhood - owners on their porches sipping mulled wine doling out sweets to the kids. ahhhh. Walked a little way to Milan Ave and ran into THOUSANDS of people. You couldn't move - it was like Oxford street on Christmas eve. Blimey. The people were literally throwing candy at kids (most of who weren't even saying trick or treat) and there was a ton of teens with scary costumes, you know, their teen slasher film heros, really tasteful - get a life kids, you're missing the point of Halloween. Monkey was a fireman and he had a ball!! 11327:5.88
Wednesday - rehearsal at Y's. Chatted about the script for our short. She wants to work the next four weekends before she drops - not sure we'll make it. Munchkin was given a new bike by one of his mates from the park - he LOVES it. Called G, JG's wife about a singing gig in Westminster. Was on the phone for 40 mins discussing song and scene interpretation, acting and singing. She shares a lot of my opinions. Going to have dins with them in a week to meet, greet and plan. 10515:5.46
Thursday - Class with sub., Hollie. Wow, superb! Really different angle on what we're doing. Watched North Country - fantastic. 8330:4.32
Friday - M cooked up a dinner for a member of the Moms' club - I was meals on wheels! My manager finally called me to let me know that all the things I had messaged her to submit me for during the week had been submitted. I can't tell you how deathly quiet work is - it is desperate. I am not working!!!!
Saturday - Wedding at AD CC - checked out the DK setup with K & M. Very smooth. Possibly working with them starting December. Nice.
Sunday - Arrived at a milestone. A bad one. To do with money and bills, if you catch my drift. My god - this town will kill you if you let it. Working on one option to life us out of it. Should work - legal too!
Putting together a business idea to ensure a surefire income stream to supplement the acting income (or lack of it).
Monday - Class with another sub - Marty. Fantastic fresh insight on our work in class. Great advice and direction. Sent a letter to UK. Did you know that to UPS a letter to the UK costs $39!! Holy mother of god! Is it flying first class with champers and warm nuts? NW are idiots, by the way.
Daisy is rallying, I'm happy to report. Still old but she's spritely and happy. She's on medication and medicated food and it seems to be doing the trick. Hoorah.
Scripted some short comedy pieces. Curious George DVD with munchkin. Cool.

Keep smiling people - even though life is trying to rip your head off!!!