Monday: Class. Performed the middle section of the Pillowman. It went so well, T was almost speechless at the end. He looked at us and told us that it was superb. He also said that it was well acted, connected, moment to moment and he said that it must have been 'brutal' for us. We discussed our characters and how we felt rehearsing and performing the scene and what we were getting from it.
I suppose the time we have been working on the scene has allowed K and I to really immerse ourselves in our characters so we never have to think about them. We can really concentrate on each other and being connected. It's amazing how free that leaves you to be open and affected by your partner. The words have REAL meaning and listening to the gruesome details of the events (read the play to find out what I'm talking about!) really make you want to throw up, hot out or just break down - and everything else that may rise to the surface. That's the other thing. By REALLY doing your homework, knowing your lines (not by memorising but by rehearing the scene a million times!) and forgetting about what you think you SHOULD be feeling at certain points, you are free to be pulled in every way the scene takes you. It's a great feeling.