Called the hotel to tell them that I wasn't going to come in tonight as I'd had a better offer (i.e. umemplymnt benefits). I've never, in my life, ever collected unemplymt but, having run the numbers, it makes absolutely no sense to work a job which would actually pay me two thirds of what the state will. I'm no sponger and I'll work a hard day as much as the next man but I cannot ascertain the benefits of working all night, 5 days a week, miss my missus and my kid, go to class three times a week to train for what I'm really here to do, try and go to auditions and not look like shit for having had no sleep, no time to rehearse with scene partners and other acting partners etc, etc. No sense. And, what happens when I book acting work? I'm screwed! No time to sleep as I'll be working all day and all night. Add to that the failing quality of life I would no doubt start experiencing and you have a pretty good open and shut case for not working in a hotel for 12.50 an hour during the night. 'Nuff said. I'll set my sights higher if I do have to take any non acting work.
Class was great today. I was really pleased with my activity as it, and my preparation, really worked on my gut and filled me up. I was D's roommate and he really affected me. Had a 'very good, really true to real life, dealing with each other and the activities' from S. Excellent! Very pleased with that. Ced's activity was dressing himself up in plastic bags... why? well, he's French so that's basically all you need to know...
Made some calls. TR's office in NY called me to let me know that the SAL callbacks had indeed been rescheduled for end of July, start of August. They forwarded me the callback sides and dots (I've already learned the song!!). I have the funniest scenes to do in the callbacks - I am going to have a lot of fun when they come around. Can't wait. I have an audition tomorrow, the first thru my new agent. It's amazing, isn't it, that my agent before last was sending me out 3 or 4 times a week, my last agent managed 4 times in four months and I've been with my new agent 3 days and I already have my first audition. That says to me that they're either extremely fortunate or they are working very hard for me. Well, let's give it some time and we'll se, won't we.
Called D Chan (A stunt guy I know) to ask for an agent referral but his cell was disconnected and his home phone just rings out. Thought maybe he'd left town but checked IMDB and he's working on Pirates of the C III so I give him a few months and try again.
Called my mate K to ask about some DJ work he may be able to fit me up with and we'll chat again over the weekend.
Watched 'Prime' with Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep and was absolutely appalled at the quality of the story (dull and formulaic), the writing (how original to have the exposition told during a shrink session and keep referring to the same session again and again), the acting (very suspect - lots of action suggesting emotions rather than the actors actually trusting themselves or giving the audience any credit of intelligence. Also most of the male lead's lines look way over rehearsed, preconceived and totally unbelievable), the directing (also very suspect, the actors really didn't look that comfortable), cinematography (also dull and formulaic, same shots you've seen not a thousand times, not a millions times but 10 million times and they weren't framed that well either), the production (fair enough, probably a smallish budget, maybe 5-10 million but still, it looked 'cheap'), the casting (who was the main lead and that guy in the car with him at the start, horrible), etc etc. BUT, the guy did write and direct (which I've always thought was a recipe for disaster - how is a writer going to be objective about his work when directing it?). I hated being the writer, director and actor in my own film but no bugger else was going to do it so I had to.
Switched the film off after 20 minutes. Couldn't stand it.
Didn't get the Getty job as the director's after big beefy guys for his chaps. That ain't me! Can't help that so couldn't have got cast no matter what I had done at the audition. Can't fix what isn't broke!