Bloody hot Saturday. Over 100 degrees. Blimey.
Checked out an Animal Planet thingy in Woodland Hills. Basically a huge advert for Animal Planet and Time Warner. Predictable I suppose. Bunch of tents and a few animals here and there. Great dog show with some hugely talented collie dogs. Also lined up to get an autograph of some animal guy called Jeff for munchkin. This guy was extremely hot and bothered and he no sooner handed us an autographed photo he then said "Hey buddy, that's a cool hat". He grabbed the hat off litt'un's head and signed it with his Sharpie! What a dick. Did anyone ask him to sign his hat? No. What a dick. How bloody rude. He was probably suffering from heatstroke though, poor little celebrity.
Had a night out and went to see XMen - Last Stand (M's choice, not mine). It was fine. It is based on a comic, after all so I wasn't expecting Nicholas Nickleby acting standards and I wasn't disappointed.
Home again and went online. I cannot believe what utter shite most of the uploaded videos on myspace are. Seriously, the people who upload this crap are worse than pond life. In fact, I cannot believe that they actually have lives. Sad, really really sad.