First day back to school for munchkin - hoorah! He was SO happy and the school's had a makeover, new decorations, new activities, new furniture, it looks great.
Drove through Griffith Park and aimed for the Observatory (which is closed for renovations at the mo) but read my classwork and took some pics from the trailhead at the top.
Headed off to rehearse my SR (no.5 - Seth Compton) with a couple of others. We vowed to start a support group for us out-of-work actors to TRY and give each other a leg-up if we can. Right now, we're all in the same boat but we're all being positive which is harder than you think.
Anyway, went back to pick up litt'un and, of course, he didn't want to leave!
Home again and played with the boy like a good Dad should before dins, bath and bed. Oh, did I mention the bathroom has to be ripped out and rebuilt? Well, it has to be. We told the landlord last year that the plumbing was crap and the tiling job was
worse than horrible and it was letting a LOT of water in behind it down under the bath and rotting the boards but, oh no, you'll be fine, it'll be OK. Well, it isn't and we were right. Now it's going to cost them big bucks to replace the wall and the there. Anyway... did some work for the meeting tomorrow including writing up some paperwork. We have to strike a balance between being confident and arrogant (see, there's that thin line again) and come across as willing to partner up and be open but still be... well you know what I'm trying to say. I think we'll be fine - we're a good team and it should be a good meeting. Who knows, by the time I write to you tomorrow, my dear reader, we could be in line for something rather pleasant - wouldn't that be nice!