Blighty comes to Tinseltown

Thursday, September 07, 2006

First day back to school for munchkin - hoorah! He was SO happy and the school's had a makeover, new decorations, new activities, new furniture, it looks great.
Drove through Griffith Park and aimed for the Observatory (which is closed for renovations at the mo) but read my classwork and took some pics from the trailhead at the top.
Headed off to rehearse my SR (no.5 - Seth Compton) with a couple of others. We vowed to start a support group for us out-of-work actors to TRY and give each other a leg-up if we can. Right now, we're all in the same boat but we're all being positive which is harder than you think.
Anyway, went back to pick up litt'un and, of course, he didn't want to leave!
Home again and played with the boy like a good Dad should before dins, bath and bed. Oh, did I mention the bathroom has to be ripped out and rebuilt? Well, it has to be. We told the landlord last year that the plumbing was crap and the tiling job was
worse than horrible and it was letting a LOT of water in behind it down under the bath and rotting the boards but, oh no, you'll be fine, it'll be OK. Well, it isn't and we were right. Now it's going to cost them big bucks to replace the wall and the there. Anyway... did some work for the meeting tomorrow including writing up some paperwork. We have to strike a balance between being confident and arrogant (see, there's that thin line again) and come across as willing to partner up and be open but still be... well you know what I'm trying to say. I think we'll be fine - we're a good team and it should be a good meeting. Who knows, by the time I write to you tomorrow, my dear reader, we could be in line for something rather pleasant - wouldn't that be nice!

K came over in the morning and we spent quite a while on our 'Pillowman' scene whilst litt'un and the missus when to visit one of monkey's friends. The more we do it, the more we get it and the more we're convinced that it's going to be very special when we ultimately put it on. Hopefully we'll be able to do it at a scene night and invite some industry people along. PHW has an excellent rep in the industry and people generally come along once they find out that you train there. Here's hoping.
Read that PJ is remaking The DamBusters so I watched the original to see what there would be in it for me... hey - what do you want me to do? I have to set my sights on at least getting into the same room as PJ for an audition. If I set my sights low - and I hit them, what will I have achieved? So, I took the bull by the horns and emailed my manager about it saying I don't care how she does it, I want to audition for it! I'll be buggered if I just sit back and watch the IMDB page slowly fill up with cast and 'attached' tags without actually going for it myself. So there.
Oh and we have a meeting with the web company on Thursday. Superb.

Monday was a holiday in the USA, something called 'Labor Day', without the 'u' of course, this being the country of 'American' English, well actually, this being the country of 'Mexican Spanish' but I have no desire to get into that one at present... yes, Labor Day, celebrating... erm... well, it's just an excuse to have a Monday off work really, I suppose which is as good a reason as any. Actually for a full run down of what it's all about you can check out the entry at Wikipedia (honestly, you need to get out more). We had two of our best friends over for a BBQ / cook out/ grill / external cooking device (whatever you want to call it) and we had a rather splendid time of it, munchkin had a super dooper time being generally silly and us grown ups just talked away. They're moving back to NYC very soon =( so we're trying to grab another day with them before they go. Hey ho...

Monday, September 04, 2006

R.I.P. mate. You'll be missed...

A very relaxed Sunday playing with the monkey in the garden then we popped across the road for a BBQ... with a bunch of neighbours I made coffee for the other night... while their building was in darkness... due to a power cut... and they were nice... and invited us to a BBQ. Nice story, eh? Neighbours can be like that, even in L.A.! Mind you, you have to be nice first... by making people coffee when they have no power! They were gobsmacked, it was funny!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saturday was SAG Picnic in the Park day. Interesting. Chatted to a girl from NY who was in LA less than six months and wanted the full SP on everything so I gave her my advice on agents, managers, where to live, training, etc. It not until you see all the random people wandering around that you start to realise how many weirdos there really is in SAG. Bless 'em. Oh, you can also spot the 'I have no idea how to be subtle' people... they're the ones walking around with headshots in their hands - honestly, some people have no idea, seriously. There's also the 'I have the IQ of a cobb salad people' and there's also the mad people and the geeks... yes, they're here too! With the board election coming up, I was betting that quite a few of the existing board would be there campaigning. Saw Elliot Gould wandering around chatting to people and most of the Wild Bunch of Hollywood were there too, most of them trying to get voted in. When all was said and done, it was a very nice day and the free entry ticket doubled as a raffle ticket and they gave a ton of stuff away to the lucky winners... which was nice.
Watched the remake of King Kong on DVD and enjoyed it. A little self-indulgent in places but if you're remaking an uber-classic, I suppose you can do that!

Friday - went to the dentist - yahoo! Need about $1600 worth of work done! And that's the cost WITH insurance. It would set me back just over three grand without. Back home, the same work would cost me about 400 quid. Welcome to the USA! Mind you, at least you know that they won't screw it up over here, not like my 'nightmare' dentist from North London. I used to think I was going to catch something from the rinse sink, gawd bless the NHS, eh?
Hit the park in the afternoon. War of the World on DVD in the eve. It was fine, IMHO.